I've received a SVG SMIL file that I want to use within a HTML5 project. I'm not to familiar when using SVG SMIL files and upon opening the file I can see it's in XML format and I've done all necessary changes to get it working in HTML5, however it does not validate via W3C which I would like to fix.
The problem seems to be that using value:none
fails the validation in HTML5, in fact its repeated 11 times as reported by w3c Bad value none for attribute fill on element set.
. I'm hoping one of you bright sparks can point me in the right direction in solving this problem You can see my full code below.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Test Project</title>
<svg version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 2560 1440" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<mask id="canvasMask"><rect x="0" y="0" width="2560px" height="1440px" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="none"/></mask>
<rect fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" x="0" y="0" width="2560px" height="1440px"/>
<g id="id9bd0d08a1535f0fee8058e02" mask="url(#canvasMask)">
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<set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible" begin="0s; loop.end" fill="none"/>
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="replace" begin="0s; loop.end" dur="10s" repeatCount="1" fill="none" from="1279.999 715.999" to="1279.999 715.999" calcMode="discrete"/>
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="scale" additive="sum" begin="0s; loop.end" dur="10s" repeatCount="1" fill="none" from="1.007112705842029 1.0059462593277573" to="1.007112705842029 1.0059462593277573" calcMode="discrete"/>
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" additive="sum" begin="0s; loop.end" dur="10s" repeatCount="1" fill="none" from="-1280.0 -720.0" to="-1280.0 -720.0" calcMode="discrete"/>
<g id="id8dea74305ccf397f1904b8e7" visibility="hidden">
<set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible" begin="0s; loop.end" fill="none"/>
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<path id="idfabee4aa5eaa0c6e65db7ea4" d="M 1113.895,597.719 L 1112.895,597.719 L 1111.895,597.719 L 1109.895,597.719 L 1105.895,598.719 L 1101.895,600.719 L 1097.895,601.719 L 1085.895,605.719 L 1077.895,606.719 L 1068.895,607.719 L 1060.895,608.719 L 1051.895,610.719 L 1026.895,613.719 L 1013.895,615.719 L 998.895,618.719 L 985.895,621.719 L 972.895,625.719 L 960.895,628.719 L 942.895,636.719 L 938.895,639.719 L 934.895,643.719 L 932.895,645.719 L 929.895,648.719 L 928.895,654.719 L 928.895,656.719 L 928.895,659.719 L 929.895,664.719 L 930.895,666.719 L 932.895,668.719 L 935.895,672.719 L 950.895,690.719 L 964.895,702.719 L 988.895,722.719 L 997.895,728.719 L 1004.895,731.719 L 1015.895,737.719 L 1022.895,740.719 L 1030.895,743.719 L 1038.895,748.719 L 1048.895,751.719 L 1062.895,756.719 L 1075.895,760.719 L 1093.895,765.719 L 1109.895,771.719 L 1152.895,784.719 L 1190.895,798.719 L 1212.895,808.719 L 1230.895,814.719 L 1245.895,824.719 L 1258.895,830.719 L 1271.895,838.719 L 1308.895,871.719 L 1315.895,880.719 L 1319.895,887.719 L 1326.895,904.719 L 1328.895,912.719 L 1329.895,920.719 L 1328.895,928.719 L 1326.895,935.719 L 1322.895,944.719 L 1315.895,953.719 L 1306.895,964.719 L 1298.895,971.719 L 1288.895,980.719 L 1280.895,987.719 L 1243.895,1008.719 L 1206.895,1019.719 L 1180.895,1024.719 L 1146.895,1027.719 L 1115.895,1027.719 L 1081.895,1027.719 L 1049.895,1024.719 L 988.895,1011.719 L 957.895,1002.719 L 930.895,995.719 L 910.895,989.719 L 889.895,981.719 L 869.895,975.719 L 852.895,968.719 L 820.895,951.719 L 805.895,941.719 L 787.895,929.719 L 772.895,914.719 " style="fill: none; stroke: #f46a0f; stroke-width: 2.0; stroke-opacity: 1.0" visibility="hidden">
<set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible" begin="0s; loop.end" fill="none"/>
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<set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible" begin="0s; loop.end" fill="none"/>
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<rect id="looper" x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1" style="fill: none; stroke: none"><set id="loop" attributeName="x" to="0" begin="0s; loop.end" dur="10s" fill="freeze"/></rect>
W3C HTML5 validator maintainer here. As far as I can see, the validator is behaving as expected here and in line with the document-conformance requirements in the SVG spec. Because at http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/animate.html#FillAttribute (and as noted in another answer) the SVG defines fill = "freeze" | "remove"
, so fill="none"
isn't valid.
And not knowing what you're trying to achieve with fill="none"
in your code, I can't suggest a valid alternative… So maybe if you post another question explaining what you're trying to achieve, you can get some answers for what to replace fill="none"
to get it.