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How to Increase the Number of Characters in a MSSQL Table Column Using PHP

Currently, I have a table column that has a text limit of 255 (Varchar[255]), I would like the number of characters increased to 4000 or more. What would the code be, if ran through a PHP page, to make this modification?

Note* - I have modified a column with a varchar(100) to varchar(255), it seems that my columns cannot exceed a varchar of 255.

So far I have used this - alas, it doesn't work:

$dbhost = 's036';
$dbuser = 'rost';
$dbpass = 'rosword';
if(! $conn )
  die('Could not connect: ' . mssql_get_last_message());
echo 'Connected successfully';
$sql = "ALTER TABLE new_tders2 ALTER 

COLUMN description varchar(4000)";

$retval = mssql_query( $sql, $conn );
if(! $retval )
  die('Could not create table:');
echo "Table column modified successfully\n";

When I run the PHP page (the code above), it says "Table column modified successfully", but I still can only input 255 characters into the column.


  • I figured it out - instead of using VARCHAR(4000), use TEXT. It will exceed 4000 characters, and allow up to 64 Kb, 2 bytes overhead. However, this is fine in my case, as more than 4000 characters is fine for this part of the website.

    Here is the new (working) code:

    $dbhost = 's036';
    $dbuser = 'rost';
    $dbpass = 'rosword';
    if(! $conn )
      die('Could not connect: ' . mssql_get_last_message());
    echo 'Connected successfully';
    $sql = "ALTER TABLE new_tders2 ALTER 
    COLUMN description TEXT";
    $retval = mssql_query( $sql, $conn );
    if(! $retval )
      die('Could not create table:');
    echo "Table column modified successfully\n";

    Thank you to all those that tried to answer.