After upgrading to GoogleAppEngineLauncher 1.9.18 and clicking on the Deploy button, a new tab appears in the browser with a page reading:
Google App Engine appcfg would like to:
* View and manage your applications deployed on Google App Engine
* View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services
By clicking Accept, you allow this app and Google to use your information in accordance with their respective terms of service and privacy policies. You can change this and other Account Permissions at any time.
So I click the Accept button and a new page appears:
The authentication flow has completed.
The deploy completes, but this happens every time I Deploy a new version. What's up with this? Why doesn't it remember that I accepted the TOS and Privacy Policy? This is annoying!
Another question: How can I turn off this new "feature"?
Update: This only seems to apply to Mac launchers
Update on 2015-04-20: Upgrading to 1.9.19 has solved this problem
Did you just upgrade the appenginelauncher to version 1.9.18?
Per the release notes:
Mac Launcher now uses OAuth2 exclusively for app deployments. Permissions are granted through the browser instead of a login dialog.
It looks like this is the way it is now.