In this answer what I really wanted to do is define a typename
in my template parameters which could be used in the cast and return.
So this:
template <typename T>
auto caster(T value)
-> typename std::enable_if<sizeof(unsigned char) == sizeof(T), unsigned char>::type
{ return reinterpret_cast<unsigned char&>(value); }
Would become this:
template <typename T, typename R = std::enable_if<sizeof(unsigned char) == sizeof(T), unsigned char>::type >
R caster(T value) { return reinterpret_cast<R&>(value); }
This works and behaves as desired for a single template specialization, but say that I add another overload:
template <typename T, typename R = std::enable_if<sizeof(short) == sizeof(T), short>::type>
R caster(T value) { return reinterpret_cast<R&>(value); }
Now I get an error:
error C2995: 'R caster(T)' : function template has already been defined
Is there a way to convince the compiler that only one of these specializations will actually build for any given call?
It seems that the best solution here may be to use a slew of conditional
s, which would prevent me from having to fool with template specializations:
template <typename T, typename R = std::conditional<sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned char),
unsigned char,
conditional<sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned short),
unsigned short,
conditional<sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned long),
unsigned long,
enable_if<sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned long long), unsigned long long>::type>::type>::type>::type>
R caster(T value){ return reinterpret_cast<R&>(value); }
My apologies to the reader cause it's like reading nested ternaries. However I'm currently unaware of a cleaner way to handle this.
This sadly still doesn't prevent the user from stomping on all my defaulting by providing his own second template parameter as mentioned by hvd.
I've asked another question here which has a solution that doesn't require placing the typename
in the template definition and doesn't require declaring the type twice.