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Export/import project structure?

Just asked at Jetbrains forum, but it isn't too much activity there... so I haven't got any answer.

Is it possible to copy project settings to another project?, I'd like to export project modules, dependencies, run configurations and so on.

If IntelliJ can't do it, is there any plugin which has this feature?


  • That's a good question, actually I have same problem when I need to clone again my project from Mercurial SCM. AFAIK there is no standard JetBrains way.

    But what I am doing usually - just copy following folders/files into the new project:

    • *.iml (module description files)
    • .idea folder
    • maybe *.ipr too. I'm using maven, therefore I don't have such files.

    Anyway all those intellij's configuration files are plain XML's. So if your target project is different by the structure - you can prepare them manually.

    UPD Also whether you will need to share configuration between team members - check this plugin: IntelliJ Configuration Server Plugin

    UPD 2 Plugin above is deprecated. Now they have officially integrated it into intelliJ distributions.