I have a problem when sorting a list created using createCriteria. The problem is when I sort according to some a property its value is null , then the whole object is excluded from the list. (the sort parameter is passed through sorttable column )
Here is a sample of my code.
SomeClass.createCriteria().list {
eq('sth', sth)
if (sort == 'someValue') {
nestedClass1 {
nestedClass2 {
nestedClass3 {
order('name', sortOrder)
} } }
The problem is for instance when nestedCalss1 is null then the whole object is dropped from the list
Association queries like that are inner joins by default, to include nulls you need to use left outer joins, which you can do with createAlias
import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification
SomeClass.createCriteria().list {
eq('sth', sth)
if (sort == 'someValue') {
createAlias("nestedClass1", "nc1", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
createAlias("nc1.nestedClass2", "nc2", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
createAlias("nc2.nestedClass3", "nc3", CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
order("nc3.name", sortOrder)