I try to parse a HttpWebRequest from Yandex-Fotki (Image Hoster). I get a response in Atom-Format, but in SyndicationFeed I get an error: The element with name 'service' and namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2007/app' is not an allowed feed format.
My Code is:
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(response));
SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
Here is the input(response from the site):
<app:service xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<atom:title>packda на Яндекс.Фотках</atom:title>
<app:collection href="http://api-fotki.yandex.ru/api/users/packda/albums/" id="album-list">
<atom:title>Все альбомы пользователя packda</atom:title>
<app:accept>application/atom+xml; type=entry, application/json; type=entry</app:accept>
<app:collection href="http://api-fotki.yandex.ru/api/users/packda/photos/" id="photo-list">
<atom:title>Все фотографии пользователя packda</atom:title>
<app:categories scheme="http://api-fotki.yandex.ru/api/users/packda/tags/" />
<app:collection href="http://api-fotki.yandex.ru/api/users/packda/tags/" id="tag-list">
<atom:title>Все теги пользователя packda</atom:title>
<app:accept />
I hope you can help me!
will only parse XML with Atom or RSS Syndication Format. The response of the site Yandex-Fotki doesn't seem to be neither.
Ok, I found a thing that maybe it is what you are looking for. If you do a request in your webbrowser of a <collection href="http://api...">
value you get a XML in Atom Syndication format.
This is the XML you have to parse with SyndicationFeed
. So, you have to retrieve the href value of collection elements, get that XML and load it in SyndicationFeed. To retireve the collection elements you can try:
Read DOM with XMLReader OR Deserilize it to a custom class OR Load XML into a DataSet OR LINQ to XML.