Boxen installs nodenv in /opt/boxen/nodenv
. Is it ok to uninstall it simply removing the nodenv directory?
rm -rf /opt/boxen/nodenv
I wish to do a clean install, re-running boxen. I could nuke the all boxen installation, but I'm wondering if this can be done in a less dramatic way.
Looking over the repo, it looks like there's no way to perform the standard ensure => absent
to remove the nodenv
setup using Boxen. I've opened an issue for that, because it should be a way to ensure absent.
For now, you could:
Probably looks like this in your manifest/site.pp:
# node versions
nodejs::version { 'v0.6': }
nodejs::version { 'v0.8': }
nodejs::version { 'v0.10': }
Add some code like this:
file {"${boxen::config::home}/nodenv":
ensure => absent,
Which will make sure that the nodenv directory is absent. It's basically doing the same thing as rm -rf /opt/boxen/nodenv
that you mention, but in a more idempotent and Puppet-y way.