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Datatype dataTime insertion in ontology with SPARQL queries

I am manually trying to insert the data in owl file with following SPARQL command:

qry = "PREFIX : <>" + 
       "INSERT DATA" +
           "{" + 
 ":ind1 :locatedIn :Delhi ;" + ":onDate "+ "2014-10-01T00:10:10"^^xsd:dateTime +" ;" + ":measures 13 ;" + " :hasUnit Celsius   ." + "}" ;

On running, I am getting exception:

Encountered " <INTEGER> "10 "" at line 1, column 96. Was expecting one of:
"graph" ...
"}" ...
";" ...
"," ...
"." ...
at com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.lang.ParserSPARQL11Update._parse(

How should I format datetime so that sparql will allow to execuate the query. Ontology used is give at link.


  • If you print your created query string you should quickly be able to see that it is invalid i.e.


    The problem is that you haven't put quotes around your date time constant as is required for literals in SPARQL.

    So your update needs to look more like this:

    qry = "PREFIX : <>\n" + 
          "PREFIX xsd: <>\n" +
          "INSERT DATA\n" +
          "{\n" + 
          ":ind1 :locatedIn :Delhi ;\n" + 
          ":onDate \"2014-10-01T00:10:10\"^^xsd:dateTime ;\n" + 
          ":measures 13 ;" + " :hasUnit Celsius .\n" + 
          "}" ;

    Note the need to use \" to escape the quotes so Java doesn't interpret them as the start/end of a string.

    I also added \n i.e. newlines into your string as this will help the parser give you a more meaningful error message with a more precise error location than the line 1, column 96 you get with the existing query.

    Generally if you need to inject constants into a query/update you are better off using the Parameterized SPARQL String support in Jena which is considerably less error prone and not vulnerable to SPARQL injection as your current approach is.