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How can I customize "comment marker" in Vim

When setting the formatoptions to include the o flag, pressing o or O on a commented line will "inherit" the leading comment marker.

However, for Stata, only \\ had been recognized as a "valid comment". The other two types of commenting had been ignored, by the set formatoptions+=o.

May I name multiple leading characters/strings to be the "comment marker" in Vim? Here goes how "comment lines" had been defined in the syntax file for Stata.

(From C:/vim/vimfiles/syntax/stata.vim)

" comments - single line
" note that the triple slash continuing line comment comes free
syn region stataStarComment  start=/^\s*\*/ end=/$/    contains=stataComment oneline
syn region stataSlashComment start="\s//"   end=/$/    contains=stataComment oneline
syn region stataSlashComment start="^//"    end=/$/    contains=stataComment oneline
" comments - multiple line
syn region stataComment      start="/\*"    end="\*/"  contains=stataComment

I don't see anything special about the // as a marker, at least in the syntax file.

Thank you in advance.


  • The settings you are looking for is the comments settings.

    Since stata file don't appear to have a filetype plugin, nobody sets this and it stays at the default (which isn't very good).

    Since stata comments are similar to c, we can look at how c handles the comments. In $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/c.vim we find

    setlocal comments=sO:*\ -,mO:*\ \ ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://

    If you add that to ~/.vim/ftplugin/stata.vim you should have c style comments added to stata files. (This seems to handle all three types even though the leading * isn't a valid c comment.)

    Relevant help topics :h 'comments' and :h format-comments. The second help topic will explain what all the options for comments.