I'm trying to use both pyramid_persona and pyramid_beaker in the same project. However both are setting a session_factory in their includeme()
method, and this leads to this error:
pyramid.exceptions.ConfigurationConflictError: Conflicting configuration actions
For: <InterfaceClass pyramid.interfaces.ISessionFactory>
Line 173 of file /home/pyramid/project_env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyramid_beaker/__init__.py:
Line 50 of file /home/pyramid/project_env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyramid_persona/__init__.py:
I'm importing these modules in the main()
method from __init__.py
like this:
with pyramid v. 1.5.1, pyramid_beaker 0.8 and pyramid_persona 1.5.
Is there a way to tell Pyramid that it's ok to override the session_factory?
You can override the session factory after including the addons by invoking config.set_session_factory
yourself. Alternatively select the one you want and call config.commit
between them. This is part of Pyramid's conflict resolution mechanism.