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How to efficiently insert non-point objects into a quadtree

I'm trying to create a Quadtree structure in python for detecting collisions amongst polygons, and I've gotten pretty far (see end of the post). However, I realized that this structure only works for points, because I'm deciding which leaf to put the object in based off of its center.

So I need to figure out how to modify this quadtree so I can detect collisions of regions (like a circle!).

There's a few different ways I can think about doing this:

  • Only put objects in the node that they completely fill in -- this seems inefficient, because the whole point of Quadtrees is to put objects in the leafs for easy search/retrieval and to reduce the number of objects I retrieve.
  • Put the object into every leaf that it overlaps with -- this seems like a good solution, but I'm not entirely sure how to approach the overlap decision making (and I'm wondering if this will be inefficient).
  • ??? -- is there a better solution?

The option #2 (placing the object in multiple nodes), I feel like it'd be best to draw a bounding rectangle around the object, and then use the extents of the object to decide which leaf to put it in -- but this would require effectively inserting each object 4 times (one for each corner), and that seems like an inefficient way to approach the problem.

Any better suggestions?

    class Quadtree(object):
    A simple Quadtree implementation.  This works with any child object that has a getPosition() method that returns a list or tuple.
    def __init__(self, depth, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y):
        self.mDepth = depth
        self.mMaxDepth = 4
        self.mMinX = min_x
        self.mMaxX = max_x
        self.mMidX = (max_x - min_x) / 2.0
        self.mMinY = min_y
        self.mMaxY = max_y
        self.mMidY = (max_y - min_y) / 2.0
        self.mHasChildren = False
        self.mMaxChildren = 8
        self.mChildren = []
        self.mSubtrees = []

    def insert(self, newChild):
       Insert an object into the tree.  Returns True if the insert was successful, False otherwise.
       if self.mSubtrees:
           #if subtrees exist, add the child to the subtrees
           index = getIndex(newChild)
           if index != -1:
               return True

       #if no subtrees exist, add the child to the child list.

       #and then check if we need to split the tree
       #if there are more than the max children, and we haven't maxed out the tree depth, and there are no subtrees yet
       if len(self.mChildren) > self.mMaxChildren and self.mDepth < self.mMaxDepth and not self.mSubtrees:
           for child in self.mChildren:
               index = getIndex(child)
               if index != -1:
           return True

       return False

    def retrieveNeighbors(self, targetChild):
       index = getIndex(targetChild)
       if index != -1 and self.mSubtrees:
           return self.mSubtrees[index].retrieve(targetChild)
       return self.mChildren

    def getIndex(self, child):
       Returns the index of the node that the object belongs to.  Returns -1 if the object does not exist in the tree.
       index = -1
       childPosition = child.getPosition()
       #check if it fits in the top or bottom
       isInTopQuadrant = childPosition[1] > self.mMidY and childPositoin[1] < self.mMaxY
       #check if it fits left
       if childPosition[0] < self.mMidX and childPosition[0] > self.mMinX:
           if isInTopQuadrant:
               index = 1
               index = 2
       #check if it fits right
      if childPosition[0] > self.mMidX and childPosition[0] < self.mMidX:
          if isInTopQuadrant:
              index = 0
              index = 3

      return index

    def split(self):
       Split the trees into four subtrees.
       #top right
       self.mSubtrees.append(Quadtree(depth + 1, self.mMidX, self.mMidY, self.mMaxX, self.mMaxY))
       #top left
       self.mSubtrees.append(Quadtree(depth + 1, self.mMinX, self.mMidY, self.mMidX, self.mMaxY))
       #bottom left
       self.mSubtrees.append(Quadtree(depth + 1, self.mMinX, self.mMinY, self.mMidX, self.mMidY))
       #bottom right
       self.mSubtrees.append(Quadtree(depth + 1, self.mMidX, self.mMinY, self.mMaxX, self.mMidY))

    def clear(self):
       Clears the quadtree of children, and all subtrees of children.
       self.mChildren[:] = []
       self.mHasChildren = False
       for tree in range(0,4):
           if self.mSubtrees[tree].mHasChildren:


  • The best way I've found so far is to modify _get_index() to check the entire size of the particle -- if it doesn't entirely fit in a subtree, then it becomes a child of the parent node:

    def _get_index(self, child):
        Returns the index of the node that the object belongs to.  Returns -1 if the object does not exist in the tree.
        index = -1
        child_position = child.get_position()
        child_radius = child.get_radius()
        if len(child_position) != 2:
            print "Quadtree is only designed to handle two-dimensional objects! Object will not be added."
            return index
        #check if it fits in the top or bottom
        is_in_top_quadrant = child_position[1] - child_radius > self.mid_y and child_position[1] + child_radius < self.max_y
        #check if it fits left
        if child_position[0] + child_radius < self.mid_x and child_position[0] - child_radius > self.min_x:
            if is_in_top_quadrant:
                index = 1
                index = 2
        #check if it fits right
        if child_position[0] - child_radius > self.mid_x and child_position[0] + child_radius < self.mid_x:
            if is_in_top_quadrant:
                index = 0
                index = 3
        return index

    Then retrieve_neighbors() can traverse the tree and add the children of each node it passes, all the way down to the leaf node.