I am trying to make a program that stores a string in a variable called input
With this input
variable, I am then trying to convert it to an array, and then test with a for loop whether each character in the array is lowerCase or not. How can I achieve this?
Here is how far I have gotten:
var input = "The quick BroWn fOX jumpS Over tHe lazY DOg"
var inputArray = Array(input)
for character in inputArray {
if character is lower case {
make it uppercase
} else {
make it lowercase
var input = "The quick BroWn fOX jumpS Over tHe lazY DOg"
var inputArray = Array(input)
for character in inputArray {
var strLower = "[a-z]";
var strChar = NSString(format: "%c",character )
let strTest = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %@", strLower );
if strTest .evaluateWithObject(strChar)
// lower character
// upper character