I have a $state configured as below:
.state('app.subjects.current', {
abstract: true,
url: "/:subjectId",
template: "<div ui-view />",
ncyBreadcrumb: {
skip: true
.state('app.subjects.current.home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: "assets/src/subject/subjectHome.html",
resolve: loadSequence('subjectHomeCtrl'),
ncyBreadcrumb: {
label: 'View'
string: 'sidebar.nav.pages.SUBJECTHOME'
I transit to this state using $state.go('app.subjects.current.home', {subjectId: '999'});
The url appears in the address bar as “http://localhost:12253/#/app/subjects//home?subjectId=999”. It should have been actually “http://localhost:12253/#/app/subjects/999/home”.
Thanks for any help.
I created working example with exactly the same mapping - to show you that your approach is working
So, these are the states
.state('app', {
template: '<div ui-view=""></div>',
.state('app.subjects', {
template: '<div ui-view=""></div>',
.state('app.subjects.current', {
abstract: true,
url: "/:subjectId",
template: "<div ui-view />",
ncyBreadcrumb: {
skip: true
.state('app.subjects.current.home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: "assets/src/subject/subjectHome.html",
//resolve: loadSequence('subjectHomeCtrl'),
ncyBreadcrumb: {
label: 'View'
string: 'sidebar.nav.pages.SUBJECTHOME'
And this way we can call them
// $state.go
<button ng-click="$state.go('app.subjects.current.home', {subjectId: '999'});">
// ui-sref
<a ui-sref="app.subjects.current.home({subjectId: '888'})">
Check it here. It should help to find out what is different in your app...