What would be the SQL to remove all numbers found in an otherwise string column using Sqlite (an Oracle example would be appreciated too)?
Example : I would like to remove all numbers from entries like this :
291 HELP,1456 CALL
Expected output:
edit: I have edited the question because it is not only from one entry that I want to remove numbers but many of them.
Either you do it in the language, you embedded sqlite, or you use this SQLite code, that removes all numbers:
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '0', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '1', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '2', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '3', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '4', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '5', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '6', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '7', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '8', '' );
UPDATE table SET column = replace(column, '9', '' );