Is there a way I can display multiple scenes in the same SCNView at the same time? So let's say I have a ball in ball.dae
and a pyramid in pyramid.dae
. So these are separate scenes and I would like to show both at the same time.
Currently I only have one and I create it like this:
let scene = SCNScene(named: "world1.dae")!
If I just create another one below then it just displays the second one... :/
Thanks in advance!
Ok I already figured it out. The thing is to not add another scene but nodes from the 2nd scene to the first like this:
let scene = SCNScene(named: "world1.dae")!
let subScene = SCNScene(named: "pyramid.dae")!
let pyramid = subScene.rootNode.childNodeWithName("pyramid", recursively: true)!