take this example from google docs
class BrowseHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
> def get(self, category, product_id):
> # Display product with given ID in the given category.
> # Map URLs like /browse/(category)/(product_id) to
> BrowseHandler. application =
> webapp.WSGIApplication([(r'/browse/(.*)/(.*)',
> BrowseHandler)
> ],
> debug=True)
> def main():
> run_wsgi_app(application)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> main()
How can i change the regx groupings so that Product id is optional
ie the url http://yourdomain.com/category will be sent to the browse handler in the current above example you must add a product id or at least the / after the category
Any ideas?
You can use two regular expressions mapped to same handler:
class BrowseHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self, category, product_id=None):
# Display product with given ID in the given category.
# Map URLs like /browse/(category)/(product_id) to
BrowseHandler. application =
webapp.WSGIApplication([(r'/browse/(.*)/(.*)', BrowseHandler),
(r'/browse/(.*)', BrowseHandler),
], debug=True)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':