After reading the following tutorial I am trying to use ReactiveCocoa with Swift with in of my apps. When button is pressed I am making a request to check if server is responding:
.flattenMap({(text: AnyObject!) -> RACStream! in
return RACSignal.createSignal({ (subscriber: RACSubscriber!) -> RACDisposable! in
Alamofire.request(.GET, "")
.validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
.response{ (_, _, _, error) in
if(error == nil) {
} else {
}).subscribeNextAs({ (value: AnyObject) -> () in
}, error: { (error: NSError) -> () in
}, completed: {})
When sendError()
is called in flattenMap
the signal is no more emmited when I am pressing the button. It works correctly as long as I am emitting sendNext()
and sendCompleted()
Any clue on how to resolve this will be appreciated.
The sendError
is causing the signal to terminate. From the ReactiveCocoa Design Guidelines:
In RAC, error events have exception semantics. When an error is sent on a signal, it will be immediately forwarded to all dependent signals, causing the entire chain to terminate.
If you want to sendError
from your created RACSignal you'll need to use something like the -catch:
operator to handle it downstream (before the subscribeNext) so it doesn't terminate the signal.