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Convert columns into rows with Pandas

So my dataset has some information by location for n dates. The problem is each date is actually a different column header. For example the CSV looks like

location    name    Jan-2010    Feb-2010    March-2010
A           "test"  12          20          30
B           "foo"   18          20          25

What I would like is for it to look like

location    name    Date        Value
A           "test"  Jan-2010    12       
A           "test"  Feb-2010    20
A           "test"  March-2010  30
B           "foo"   Jan-2010    18       
B           "foo"   Feb-2010    20
B           "foo"   March-2010  25

My problem is I don't know how many dates are in the column (though I know they will always start after name)


  • Use .melt:

    df.melt(id_vars=["location", "name"],
      location    name        Date  Value
    0        A  "test"    Jan-2010     12
    1        B   "foo"    Jan-2010     18
    2        A  "test"    Feb-2010     20
    3        B   "foo"    Feb-2010     20
    4        A  "test"  March-2010     30
    5        B   "foo"  March-2010     25

    Old(er) versions: <0.20

    You can use pd.melt to get most of the way there, and then sort:

    >>> df
      location  name  Jan-2010  Feb-2010  March-2010
    0        A  test        12        20          30
    1        B   foo        18        20          25
    >>> df2 = pd.melt(df,
                      id_vars=["location", "name"], 
    >>> df2
      location  name        Date  Value
    0        A  test    Jan-2010     12
    1        B   foo    Jan-2010     18
    2        A  test    Feb-2010     20
    3        B   foo    Feb-2010     20
    4        A  test  March-2010     30
    5        B   foo  March-2010     25
    >>> df2 = df2.sort(["location", "name"])
    >>> df2
      location  name        Date  Value
    0        A  test    Jan-2010     12
    2        A  test    Feb-2010     20
    4        A  test  March-2010     30
    1        B   foo    Jan-2010     18
    3        B   foo    Feb-2010     20
    5        B   foo  March-2010     25

    (Might want to throw in a .reset_index(drop=True), just to keep the output clean.)

    Note: pd.DataFrame.sort has been deprecated in favour of pd.DataFrame.sort_values.