I know alot of people asked this question before but I didn't find an absloute answer and I saw alot of different answers so i'm confused.
I'v got the following data for example in my sql database:
user: test
code: blablah
email: [email protected]
user: zeus
code: olympus
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
user: usa
email: [email protected]
Which means I want the database, in this example, to be in the end
user: zeus
code: olympus
email: [email protected]
user: usa
email: [email protected]
In the end, I want to make sure that there are no duplicated rows / data in my database. I don't want to leave even one row with a duplicated username because the "code" is actually a unique code which is generated with every login session and destroys the previous codes, and I can't know which code is the latest one because I didn't use any "created" row with date() function.
Right now I use the following code:
"INSERT INTO logs (user, code, email) VALUES('$user', '$code', '$email')";
I'm thinking about changing it to
INSERT INTO logs(user, code, email)VALUES($user,$code,$email)ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $code=VALUES(code)
in order to get what i'm aiming for. I need to change the "user" row in my database to a unique row for this.
Someone has suggested me to use the following code:
"UPDATE `logs` SET `code` = '$code' WHERE `user` = '$user' AND `email` = '$email'";
But I don't think it's the right way, because if i'll just use the UPDATE option, what will happend to new users who will want to register? Their data isn't in the database, so there is nothing to update yet, so there will be an error for new users, right?
Thanks alot !
for first question you can use this query:
delete from logs where user IN
(SELECT * from (select user FROM logs GROUP BY user HAVING COUNT(user) > 1) tempTable);
for second question since you already have primary key you cannot use on duplicate key update on user
column. But you can use two queries back to back first on Update
and second insert
//this Update query is executed if the user is already there. If the user is not there this query will fail and php will go to next query
$query1 = update logs set code = $code where user = $user;
//This query will insert the data only if `user` is not found
$query2 = insert into logs ($user,$code,$email)
select user,code,email
from logs
where not exists (select * from user where user = $user)
limit 1;