Hello all so i've been tasked to count lines and paragraphs. Counting every line is obviously easy but im stuck on counting the paragraphs. If a paragraph has no character it will give back the number zero and for every paragraph is an increment higher. For example an input file is: Input and an Output should come out Output so my code is:
def insert_line_para_nums(infile, outfile):
f = open(infile, 'r')
out = open(outfile, 'w')
linecount = 0
for i in f:
paragraphcount = 0
if '\n' in i:
linecount += 1
if len(i) < 2: paragraphcount *= 0
elif len(i) > 2: paragraphcount = paragraphcount + 1
out.write('%-4d %4d %s' % (paragraphcount, linecount, i))
def insert_line_para_nums(infile, outfile):
f = open(infile, 'r')
out = open(outfile, 'w')
linecount = 0
paragraphcount = 0
empty = True
for i in f:
if '\n' in i:
linecount += 1
if len(i) < 2:
empty = True
elif len(i) > 2 and empty is True:
paragraphcount = paragraphcount + 1
empty = False
if empty is True:
paragraphnumber = 0
paragraphnumber = paragraphcount
out.write('%-4d %4d %s' % (paragraphnumber, linecount, i))