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(C/C++) libjpeg, missing "Release.obj" file

I downloaded jpeglib-9a. In Visual studio (2012) command prompt I typed this:

nmake /f setup-v10

It created several files and one of them was named "jpeg.sln" which I opened in visual studio (updated to 2012 version) and built. After that, I made new project, included this folder "D:\Data\jpeg-9a" and added this folder "D:\Data\jpeg-9a\Release" to linker.

And when I tried to compile my project, this error appeared:

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'D:\Data\jpeg-9a\Release.obj'

I was looking for that file but couldn't find it anywhere. I also tried compile that library again but "Release.obj" is still missing.

This is the tutorial which I was following

So is there any way how to create that file ?

Thank you.

(if you need additional information, ask me)

SOLVED: ... I cant read properly ...

Thank you bogdan


  • You don't need to create that file.

    The linker is interpreting the D:\Data\jpeg-9a\Release directory name as an input .obj file name. Most likely, this is happening because you added the directory name in the wrong place in the linker configuration property pages. My guess is that you added it under Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies; that's not the right place for a directory - that property is supposed to contain a list of .obj and .lib files to be given as input to the linker.

    You need to add the directory under Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories.