Firstly I'm newbie so sorry if this is a simple task. I have a folder which contains only PDF files and I need to copy only files which contain certain text [this text varies but the start is always the same] for example
I would like to copy any file which starts with test to a test folder, and so testing to testing folder and sample to sample folder. I plan to have this as a script to run every 30 minutes so it only needs to copy if the file has changed [this should reduce the amount of copying it has to do]
I'm new to batch scrip writing but I am trying it out today.
Thanks in advance J
You can use *
as a wild card to move the files you need.
@echo off
pushd "C:\pdf_files"
copy test_*.pdf "C:\test_files"
copy testing_*.pdf "C:\testing_files"
copy sample_*.pdf "C:\sample_files"
Obviously, replace the paths with the ones you're using.