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Display image from DB on zk zul listbox

I have an entity that includes image that type byte[]. So the return type is byte[].I have to get image and show on a listbox.My codes are below.

public class KitapListesiControl extends SelectorComposer<Component> {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private List<Kitaplar> kitapList = new ArrayList<Kitaplar>();
private ListModel<Kitaplar> kitapListModel;

private Listbox kitapListBox;

private Image kitapImageId = new Image();

KitapIslemleriDao kid = new KitapIslemleriDaoImpl();

public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {
    kitapList = kid.findAllKitaplar();
    kitapListModel = new ListModelList<Kitaplar>(kitapList);
    kitapImageId.setId("kitapImageId" + kitapList.get(0).getKitapId());

My listbox that want to display image on a cell is below

<listbox id="kitapListBox" emptyMessage="Kayıt yok!"
                mold="paging" pageSize="5" width="970px" checkmark="true"

                    <listheader width="32px" />
                    <listheader label="Kitap Adı" align="center"
                        sort="auto(kitapad)" width="190px" />
                    <listheader label="Yazar Adı" align="center"
                        sort="auto(yazarad)" width="190px" />
                    <listheader label="Kitap Tür" align="center"
                        width="190px" sort="auto(kitaptur)" />
                    <listheader label="Kitap Durum" align="center"
                        sort="auto(kitapdurum)" width="190px" />
                    <listheader label="Kitap Resmi" align="center"
                        width="190px" />
                <template name="model">
                        <listcell />
                        <listcell label="${each.kitapad}" />
                        <listcell label="${each.yazarad}" />
                        <listcell label="${each.kitaptur}" />
                        <listcell label="${each.kitapdurum}" />
                                src="@load(each.kitapimage) @converter('com.mesutemre.converter.ImageToZkImageConverter')" />


  • Zul:

    <image content="@load(each.image) @converter('be.chillworld.web.vm.util.ImageToZkImageConverter')" />

    ImageToZkImageConverter.class :

    package be.chillworld.web.vm.util;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    import org.zkoss.bind.BindContext;
    import org.zkoss.bind.Converter;
    import org.zkoss.image.AImage;
    import org.zkoss.zul.Image;
    public class ImageToZkImageConverter implements Converter<AImage, byte[], Image> {
        private Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ImageToZkImageConverter.class);
        public byte[] coerceToBean(AImage compAttr, Image component, BindContext ctx) {
            logger.debug("Converting the image");
            return compAttr.getByteData();
        public AImage coerceToUi(byte[] beanProp, Image component, BindContext ctx) {
            try {
                if (beanProp != null && beanProp.length > 0) {
                    AImage im = new AImage("", beanProp);
                    return im;
                logger.debug("Return null => image is empty");
                return null;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.error("Error occured, returning null", e);
                return null;

    source :

    For MVC you can do the following :

    <?taglib uri="" prefix="c"?>
        <image content="${c:new2('org.zkoss.image.AImage','',each.image)}" />