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A* algorithm works OK, but not perfectly. What's wrong?

This is my grid of nodes:

alt text

I'm moving an object around on it using the A* pathfinding algorithm. It generally works OK, but it sometimes acts wrongly:

  • When moving from 3 to 1, it correctly goes via 2. When going from 1 to 3 however, it goes via 4.
  • When moving between 3 and 5, it goes via 4 in either direction instead of the shorter way via 6

What can be wrong? Here's my code (AS3):

    public static function getPath(from:Point, to:Point, grid:NodeGrid):PointLine {

        // get target node
        var target:NodeGridNode = grid.getClosestNodeObj(to.x, to.y);

        var backtrace:Map = new Map();
        var openList:LinkedSet = new LinkedSet();
        var closedList:LinkedSet = new LinkedSet();

        // begin with first node
        openList.add(grid.getClosestNodeObj(from.x, from.y));

        // start A*
        var curNode:NodeGridNode;
        while (openList.size != 0) {

            // pick a new current node
            if (openList.size == 1) {
                curNode = NodeGridNode(openList.first);
            else {
                // find cheapest node in open list
                var minScore:Number = Number.MAX_VALUE;
                var minNext:NodeGridNode;
                openList.iterate(function(next:NodeGridNode, i:int):int {
                    var score:Number = curNode.distanceTo(next) + next.distanceTo(target);
                    if (score < minScore) {
                        minScore = score;
                        minNext = next;
                        return LinkedSet.BREAK;
                    return 0;
                curNode = minNext;

            // have not reached
            if (curNode == target) break;
            else {
                // move to closed

                // put connected nodes on open list
                for each (var adjNode:NodeGridNode in curNode.connects) {
                    if (!openList.contains(adjNode) && !closedList.contains(adjNode)) {
                        backtrace.put(adjNode, curNode);

        // make path
        var pathPoints:Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>();
        while(curNode != null) {
            curNode =;
        return new PointLine(pathPoints);



    public function distanceTo(o:NodeGridNode):Number {
        var dx:Number = location.x - o.location.x;
        var dy:Number = location.y - o.location.y;
        return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);


  • Found the bug:

                    openList.iterate(function(next:NodeGridNode, i:int):int {
                        var score:Number = curNode.distanceTo(next) + next.distanceTo(target);
                        if (score < minScore) {
                            minScore = score;
                            minNext = next;
                            return LinkedSet.BREAK;
                        return 0;

    The return LinkedSet.BREAK (which acts like a break statement in a regular loop) should not be there. It causes the first node in the open list to be selected always, instead of the cheapest one.