I think this question was already asked, but I couldn't find a solution which works for me. I use Delphi 7 under Windows 7 Ultimate, 64 bit. Actually I started writing application under 32 bit OS, but then changes PC, so now its 64. In my program I use registration process with Licence ID generated from PROGID value of Windows. Unfortunately it doesn't read the value, seems like it is looking in a different folder, probably redirected by Windows 64 to 32 bit registry. Can you help? This is the code I use:
Registry := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ OR $0100);
Registry.Lazywrite := false;
Registry.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
if CheckForWinNT = true then
if not Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly('\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion') then showmessagE('cant open');
result := Registry.ReadString('ProductID');
end; // try..finally
Also, do you know how to find whether program is running under 64 bit or 32 bit computer in Delphi 7?
You already asked this question see Registry ReadString method is not working in Windows 7 in Delphi 7.
So you know that you have to add $0100 in the TRegistry.Create. The problem with your code is that you use OpenKeyReadOnly which resets the Access property of the registry to KEY_READ, so KEY_READ or $0100
is lost.
Just use OpenKey instead of OpenKeyReadOnly, this won't reset your Access property.