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Meteor accounts failing with gmail while Email.send works, why?

We have a Meteor application that we're getting ready to deploy and we're finally at the point of hooking it up to a gmail account to send emails. The email configuration is setup as

Meteor.startup(function () {
  smtp = {
  username: '[email protected]',
  password: 'abcdabcdabcdabcd', // masked - a gmail application-specific 16 character password to use for two-factor auth
  server:   '',
  port: 587 // also tried 465 to no avail
  process.env.MAIL_URL = 'smtp://' + encodeURIComponent(smtp.username) + ':' + encodeURIComponent(smtp.password) + '@' + encodeURIComponent(smtp.server) + ':' + smtp.port;

When the application calls Email.send(...) directly the email is sent successfully.

However when we do:

Accounts.createUser({email: email, password: password, profile: profile},function(err){...})

We get the following traceback in the server log:

Exception while invoking method 'createUser' SenderError: Mail from command failed - 555 5.5.2 Syntax error. ba12sm12306756pac.23 - gsmtp
at Object.Future.wait (/Users/Michel/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
at smtpSend (packages/email/email.js:91:1)
at Object.Email.send (packages/email/email.js:168:1)
at Object.Accounts.sendVerificationEmail (packages/accounts-password/password_server.js:602:1)
at Meteor.methods.createUser (packages/accounts-password/password_server.js:723:1)
at tryLoginMethod (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:186:1)
at Object.Accounts._loginMethod (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:302:1)
at [object Object].Meteor.methods.createUser (packages/accounts-password/password_server.js:699:1)
... traceback truncated

This feels like a bug. About as close as I get to a relevant question on SO is 555 5.5.2 Syntax error. gmail's smtp There the recommendation is to use

"name <emailAddress>"

instead of just "emailAddress" for the recipient's address but there's no way to push this syntax through Accounts.createUser() and in any event Email.send() works without that complication.


  • Well this is stupid: it merely turned out to be a straggling > character on Accounts.emailTemplates.from. Had to debug Meteor's email.js with node inspector to ultimately find it but it's now working.