This is the method in ReportRunner class in in my Flask-Restful app:
class ReportRunner(object):
def __init__(self):
def setup_routes(self, app):
app.add_url_rule("/run_report", view_func=self.run_report)
def request_report(self, key):
# code #
def key_exists(self, key):
# code #
def run_report(self):
key = request.args.get("key", "")
if self.key_exists(key):
self.request_report(report_type, key)
return jsonify(message = "Success! Your report has been created.")
response = jsonify({"message": "Error => report key not found on server."})
response.status_code = 404
return response
and the nose test calls the URL associated with that route
def setUp(self):
self.controller = Controller()
self.report_runner = ReportRunner()
def test_run_report(self):
rr = Report(key = "daily_report")
self.controller.override(self.report_runner, "request_report")
self.controller.expectAndReturn(self.report_runner.request_report("daily_report"), True )
response = self.client.get("/run_report?key=daily_report")
assert_equals({"message": "Success! Your report has been created."}, response.json)
assert_equals(200, response.status_code)
and the test was failing with the following message:
AttributeError: 'Response' object has no attribute 'json'
but according to the docs it seems that this is how you do it. Do I change the return value from the method, or do I need to structure the test differently?
The test is now passing written like this:
json_response = json.loads(
assert_equals("Success! Your report has been created.", json_response["message"])
but I'm not clear on the difference between the two approaches.
According to Flask API Response object doesn't have attribute json (it's Request object that has it). So, that's why you get exception. Instead, it has generic method get_data() that returns the string representation of response body.
json_response = json.loads(response.get_data())
assert_equals("Success! Your report has been created.", json_response.get("message", "<no message>"))
So, it's close to what you have except:
get_data() is suggested instead of data as API says: This should not be used and will eventually get deprecated.
reading value from dictionary with get() to not generate exception if key is missing but get correct assert about missing message.
Check this Q&A also.