I have seen a number of questions that are similar to this one, but I have not come across one with an answer that works for me. Yet :)
My Model looks like this:
public class MyModel
public List<MyItem> MyItems{get;set;}
public List<SelectListItem> MySet{get;set;}
MyItem looks like this:
public class MyItem
public int MyItemId
My view has @model MyModel
at the top.
My WebGrid looks like this:
var grid = new WebGrid( Model.MyItems, canPage: false );
var gridColumns = new List<WebGridColumn>
format: (item) => @Html.DropDownListFor(modelItem => item.MyItemId.ToString(), Model.MySet ) )
@grid.GetHtml( "wgtable",
rowStyle: "gridrow",
alternatingRowStyle: "altgridrow",
displayHeader: true,
columns: grid.Columns( gridColumns.ToArray( ) ) )
In this case, the error I get is CS1963: An expression tree may not contain a dynamic operation.
I have also tried
format: (item) => @Html.DropDownListFor(item.MyItemId.ToString(), Model.SubPayGroups ) )
which gives me CS1973: Model has no applicable method named 'DropDownListFor'.
Am I even close?
I ended up moving away from DropDownListFor, using DropDownList instead, also building an IEnumerable: this was my final working solution for the column:
header:"Sub Pay Group",
format: (item) => @Html.DropDownList("MyItemId", Model.MySet.Select( u => new SelectListItem
Text = u.Text,
Value = u.Value,
Selected = u.Value == ((WebGridRow)item)["SubPayGroupId"].ToString() }),
It wasn't in my initial problem definition, but I also needed to set a selected item. Thus, the additional Select from MySet...