In my app I want to enable User A to call a twilio number and then User B to receive a call from the twilio number and let both Users talk.
When call button is pressed the twilio number is called.
Then the /hello function is executed.
NSString *callString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"telprompt://TwilioNumber"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:callString]];
I put the twilio number in place of 'twilionumber' and I hardcoded a number in place of 'ToCallNumber'. Cloud Code
app.get('/hello', function(request, response) {
var twiml = new twilio.TwimlResponse('');
twiml.dial({callerId:'twilionumber'}, 'ToCallNumber'); //working
So far no problem. What I want is to change the ToCallNumber based on who is making the call. I have linked the users in a Parse Datatable. I need to get the caller's phonenumber in /hello function in order to call the correct user.
In the console I see the callers phone number.
Input: {"method"=>"GET", "url"=>"/hello?AccountSid=....... From=%2B"CAllersPhonenumber"&.....
I tried getting the From parameter by doing like request.params.From, From, twiml.From, twiml.params.From and other things maybe more than two hours. Can someone explain how to get that From value please?
I finally found the answer. It is request.param not params..
Twilio $_REQUEST['From'] equivalent for node.js