When i am trying to install sentinel with composer
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://packages.cartalyst.com"
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
"cartalyst/sentinel": "1.0.*"
composer update
i get the following error:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing cartalyst/support (v1.1.1)
Downloading: connection... Failed to download cartalyst/support from dist
: The "https://api.github.com/repos/cartalyst/support/zipball/1ba474441bc0d8579e
76d2eed67013f66dd97006" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found)
Now trying to download from source
- Installing cartalyst/support (v1.1.1)
Cloning 1ba474441bc0d8579e76d2eed67013f66dd97006
Failed to execute git clone --no-checkout "https://c81076146cfe987b80b6d1c3
3f0c832271abd586:***@github.com/cartalyst/support.git" "C:\Users\Max\Dropbo
x\Projects\Libeari-dev\vendor\cartalyst\support" && cd /D "C:\Users\Max\Dro
pbox\Projects\Libeari-dev\vendor\cartalyst\support" && git remote add compo
ser "https://:***@github.com/cartal
yst/support.git" && git fetch composer
Cloning into 'C:\Users\Max\Dropbox\Projects\Libeari-dev\vendor\cartalyst\su
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository 'https://:x-oauth
[email protected]/cartalyst/support.git/' not found
I've tried reinstalling composer, starting a a fresh project, nothing works?
Cartalyst Sentinel is a paid package where as Cartalyst Sentry is the free downscaled version of the Authorization Package. You'll need to pay $75 to get access via Github.