I know there's another thread but it's about 0.4.2 to 0.5 and there's a quickstart for 0.5. What I want to do is install the latest version of ghost because there are some great features in the newer versions.
Source: https://ghost.org/forum/installation/16533-resolved-upgrading-ghost-0-5-to-0-5-2-on-openshift/ Thanks fuzzmz.
rhc app create test nodejs-0.10 mysql-5.1 --env NODE_ENV=production --from-code https://github.com/openshift-quickstart/openshift-ghost-mysql-quickstart.git
and package.json
, package.json
, the core
and content/themes/casper folders
from where you extracted the archive to the test folder (the git repo created when I created the OpenShift app).package.json
(the one in the test folder) with "main": "index.js"
instead of "main": "./core/index"
.git add --all
.git commit -am "update to ghost v0.5.2"
git push origin master