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How to get Clojure Compojure app to run headless via compiled jar within Docker container?

Update: this question has changed since the original set of commenters left responses. Apologies for any confusion.

This is my code repository you can use it as an example for what I'm working with.

Note that the above repo relies on a library I've not yet published to Clojars (as I'm still testing it - hence this question opened). You can see the source code of the library here:

I have a "hello world" Clojure web app written with Compojure that I have working fine when run using lein ring server and lein run (as I have a -main function now created). It also runs to a certain extent when compiled down into a jar and I run java -jar app.jar.

My problem now is that if I try to run the default java -jar app.jar from within a Docker container I get the following error telling me...

spurious-clojure-example is starting
2015-02-14 00:58:03.812:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.x.y-SNAPSHOT
2015-02-14 00:58:03.854:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started SelectChannelConnector@
Started server on port 8080
Exception in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException:

My code is currently using a -main function like so...

(ns spurious-clojure-example.repl
  (:use spurious-clojure-example.handler
        [ring.middleware file-info file])

(defonce server (atom nil))

(defn get-handler []
  (-> #'app
    (wrap-file "resources")

(defn start-server
  "used for starting the server in development mode from REPL"
  [& [port]]
  (let [port (if port (Integer/parseInt port) 8080)]
    (reset! server
            (serve (get-handler)
                   {:port port
                    :init init
                    :auto-reload? true
                    :destroy destroy
                    :join true}))
    (println (str "You can view the site at http://localhost:" port))))

(defn stop-server []
  (.stop @server)
  (reset! server nil))

(defn -main []

...but how do I get the server to start headless? I can't quite follow the Compojure boilerplate code to decipher where or how it knows when to run headlessly or via browser?

I know that on the command line you can do lein ring server-headless so what's the programmatic equivalent of that?


  • Because ring-server is primarily meant for development, it tries to open a browser when the server starts. This fails with a java.awt.HeadlessException on platforms without a GUI. You'll want to set the :open-browser? option to false to prevent this.