I am extracting part of a bigger Healpy array with cartview like this:
cartmap = hp.cartview(map, lonra=lonra, latra=latra, return_projected_map=True, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize)
where I have specified lonra, latra, xsize and ysize before. If, xsize,ysize < 2000, everything is fine, the above code prints:
785 1131 (785, 1131)
If, however, they are bigger than 2000 I find this:
1571 2263 (1389, 2000)
So the size seems to be limited to 2000, but keeps the aspect ratio. Is there a way to force cartview() to use my xsize & ysize, i.e. to keep the image like the original on the pixel level?
PS: In the healpy source code at https://github.com/healpy/healpy/blob/master/healpy/visufunc.py I couldn't find anything about this arbitrary threshold of 2000, neither does the documentation say anything about it.
Is it possible that you are using and old version of healpy
It looks like there used to be a limit of 2000 pixels that was removed few months ago, see: