I cloned a friend's project. I haven't done any modifications and I already have tons uncommitted changes for all project files! For each file, it's as if I simply cut and paste all the contents, but I never did this, and even if I did it, there are no changes.
I tried to sync, but the uncommitted changes stay here forever anyway, so it makes tons of conflicts because, each time I push my changes, I also change all project files.
An exemple of these nonsense commits:
- Azerty
- Hello
- Codes
+ Azerty
+ Hello
+ Codes
Git always does this to all the code in all the tracked files; even after a sync, the uncommited changes appear again.
How to fix it? Why it this happening?
See https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings/
Mac: git config --global core.autocrlf input
Windows: git config --global core.autocrlf true
Linux: git config --global core.autocrlf input