I have a method which performs an action.
- (void)mutualDeleteDialog:(QBChatDialog *)dialog success:(void (^) ())successBlock failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failureBlock {
QBChatMessage *deleteMessage = [self generateDeleteDialogMessage:dialog];
[self sendMessage:deleteMessage success:^{
[QBChat deleteDialogWithID:dialog.ID delegate:self];
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
The deleteDialogWithID method calls a third party service and calls a delegate method when complete. When this delegate method is called I want to return the success/failure block to the caller of my original method...is this possible and how can I do it?
//Delegate Method
- (void)completedWithResult:(QBResult *)result {
If you can guarantee that there's exactly one of these at a time, you could add a property to your class:
@property (copy) void(^successBlock)();
and then in mutualDeleteDialog
self.successBlock = successBlock;
and then in completedWithResult
This is pretty unconventional. You may want to reevaluate what it is you're trying to do. There might be a better way.