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Sending large json data to breezecontroller fail

I'm using breezejs to handle my entities on a web application.

Specifically i start with the Angular HotTowel template.

The problem i'm having is that i'm sending a large json array of objects (length about 17000) so on my controller im getting null on the parameter to receive this information.

When I try to send less data an array of 5000 objects then the controller parameter is setted with the objects correctlly.

My controller

public class SoftProductsController : ApiController
    private readonly EFContextProvider<Context> contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<Context>();

    public string Metadata()
        return this.contextProvider.Metadata();

    public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
        //Here saveBundle is NULL
        return this.contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);


Could be this related to some json deserialization on WebApi when using large json data?

I tried setting this option on the web.congif with no success

    <add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="20000"/>

I'm using .NET 4.5

Any idea?


  • My problem was the default limit on requestLenght that ASP.NET have. Increasing that limit on the web.config allow breeze to post large data. (default size is 4096 KB)

        <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" maxRequestLength="5120" />