Typescript compilation task works fine on linux machines but on a mac fails with the following not particularly useful error message and what looks like a binary dump.
$ grunt
Running "ts:build" (ts) task
Fast compile will not work when --out is specified. Ignoring fast compilation
Using tsc v1.4.1
>> Error: tsc return code: 3
Warning: Task "ts:build" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Im using nvm with node v0.11.4 and rvm with ruby v2.2.0.
Any ideas how to fix this, or even debug?
The problem was with a malfunctioning node installation. I upgraded to node 0.12 which fixed the problem.
Just to check the problem wasn't node 0.11.4 specific I removed all previous versions of node and reinstalled 0.11.4 and the error no longer occurs.
I took these steps after removing all node modules, clearing the cache and reinstalling with no luck. I also tried using multiple typescript compiler versions.