I want to create table and use two with, here is my code:
Create Table profitTry
With ctsWithSplit as (select c.Tdate, c.Symbol, c.close * coalesce(s.post/s.pre, 1) as new_close
from ctsTry c left join splits s
on c.Tdate = s.Tdate and c.symbol = s.symbol),
delta as
( select a.Tdate as TDate, a.Symbol as Symbol, a.price-b.price as Pdelta, b.price as oldPrice
from ctsWithSplit a, ctsWithSplit b
where a.TDate-b.TDate=1 and a.Symbol=b.Symbol)
select a.TDate,a.Symbol, (a.delta-coalesce(b.dividend,0))/delta.oldPrice as percentage
From delta a left join dividend b
On a.Tdate=b.Tdate and a.Symbol=b.Symbol
There is an error saying "table not existed", is it because my 2nd with clause please?
One definite problem is in your outer select
select a.TDate,a.Symbol, (a.delta-coalesce(b.dividend,0))/delta.oldPrice as percentage
From delta a left join dividend b
On a.Tdate=b.Tdate and a.Symbol=b.Symbol
There is no delta
. You mean a