I work in Code Composer Studio Version: with the card LCDK C6748.
In this card there is LINE_OUT for sampling out audio into speakers.
My question arises, because I encountered some phenomena that look like I reached a limit value when I assigened a value to LINE_OUT:
codec_data.channel[LEFT]= (uint16_t)outputLeft_referenceSignal;
// this union is where I have to "place" the audio sample I create,
// but I suspect outputLeft_referenceSignal exceed the limit value
When it happens it sounds, like a cracked "PACK" in the speakers and then the expected audio signal is not played
The T.I. has complete code examples on how to handle each of the built-in peripherals of the C6847 DSP.
I strongly suggest you start searching/reading the T.I. web site for info on the C6748 DSP
amongst other things, like initializing the DSP, you need to understand the usage of the McASP and the AIC31 peripherals.
It is not a simple write to a I/O address.
If you have setup the above peripherals, please post the relevant code so we can determine the underlying problem.