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ArangoDB upgrade loses data

I feel I'm doing something wrong with the ArangoDB upgrade process. The end result from the upgrade is that my databases exist, my users exist, my collections exist, but there are no documents in my collections. Obviously this is an issue. I've had this problem occur twice, upgrading from 2.3.1 -> 2.3.4, and 2.3.4 -> 2.4 in Windows. I used the same procedure in both cases:

  1. Stopped the ArangoDB service
  2. Made a backup copy of my ArangoDB directory from Program Files
  3. Installed the new version of ArangoDB
  4. Copied the contents of the database folder from the old ArangoDB directory to the new one, excluding the system database (I feel like this is where I go wrong...)
  5. Then I open a command prompt to the bin directory and run arangod --upgrade

The upgrade output seems right to me, it finds the old databases and upgrades them, which is evident by the fact that they exist, along with the collections. But as stated before the collections are all empty. Thankfully this has been in a dev environment, but I worry about upgrading my production environment. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?


  • As it turns out the problem was related to replication. I would replicate data from the production db to use during development. Then when I would upgrade or stop the Arango service on the dev db all the documents would vanish. BUT when I used arango backup and restore to copy the production DB data, everything worked as expected. The newest version of Arango is supposed to have fixed the issue, but I haven't had any time to test it.