Let's say we got a simple code like this:
// $foo and $bar aren't defined before
$foo = 5 && $bar = 15;
// var_dump()
// $foo is (bool) TRUE
// $bar is (int) 15
so I assume it works like:
$foo = (5 && ($bar = 15))
but in my opinion it should be:
$foo = ((5 && $bar) = 15) // should throw syntax error due FALSE = 15
Please explain it in easiest way (on some other examples) to poor man like me. Regards.
I think reading the manual page here helps and clears a lot of things.
So how does this get's evaluated?
$foo = 5 && $bar = 15;
First you have to know that &&
has a higher precedence than =
. So the first thought would be this:
$foo = (5 && $bar) = 15;
But now is the point where you have to read the manual until the end: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.precedence.php
And a quote from there:
Note: Although = has a lower precedence than most other operators, PHP will still allow expressions similar to the following: if (!$a = foo()), in which case the return value of foo() is put into $a.
What does that mean?
It silently assign 15 to $bar
$foo = (5 && ($bar = 15));
Now you can evaluate &&
, $bar
get's assigned with 15 and 5 && 15
is TRUE and get's assign to $foo