Search code examples

Oracle SQL Row Number selection

These below all relate to the same record in the same file....basically it is labelled 'UNK' until someone assigns a product number to it. in this case the number 12345678 was assigned by Paul on 01Jan. Each record before/after that is when someone changes something on that record.

What I want is to capture that record, the 1st time when it goes from UNK to a number... and capture the user name and date etc from that line.

I have tried min, least, and I'm not sure about rownum or where to put the string if I did.

Car_Id    Product #     user name     date
111          unk           john          20Dec
111          unk           alan          25Dec
111          unk           pete          30Dec
111          12345678      paul          01Jan
111          12345678      jim           10Jan
222          unk           alan          25Dec
222          unk           pete          30Dec
222          87654321      paul          02Jan
222          87654321      steve         05Jan

But in logical terms I want it to do this... give me the 1st record after UNK.

Please can I have the full string if possible.


  • Sounds like maybe the analytic function row_number() would be the best way to do this:

    with sample_data as (select 111 car_id, 'unk' product#, 'john' user_name, to_date('20/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 111 car_id, 'unk' product#, 'alan' user_name, to_date('21/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 111 car_id, 'unk' product#, 'pete' user_name, to_date('22/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 111 car_id, '12345678' product#, 'paul' user_name, to_date('23/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 111 car_id, '12345678' product#, 'jim' user_name, to_date('24/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 222 car_id, 'unk' product#, 'alan' user_name, to_date('25/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 222 car_id, 'unk' product#, 'pete' user_name, to_date('26/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 222 car_id, '87654321' product#, 'paul' user_name, to_date('27/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual union all
                         select 222 car_id, '87654321' product#, 'steve' user_name, to_date('28/12/2014 10:12:24', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') dt from dual)
    select car_id,
    from   (select sd.*,
                   row_number() over (partition by car_id order by dt) rn
            from   sample_data sd
            where  product# != 'unk')
    where  rn = 1;
        CAR_ID PRODUCT# USER_NAME DT                   
    ---------- -------- --------- ---------------------
           111 12345678 paul      23/12/2014 10:12:24  
           222 87654321 paul      27/12/2014 10:12:24