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Getting Unknown Error while writing data on BLE in iOS

I am trying to develop iOS app, which is detecting BLE device and need to invoke a write command. I can successfully connect to BLE device and discover its service and characteristics. But I am getting an Unknown Error during the write data on connected peripheral. Below is the code what I have written:

Discovered Characteristic:

- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didDiscoverCharacteristicsForService:(CBService *)service error:(NSError *)error {
  NSArray *characteristics = [service characteristics];

  if (peripheral != self.peripheral) {
    NSLog(@"Wrong Peripheral.\n");
    return ;

  if (error != nil) {
    NSLog(@"Error %@\n", error);
    return ;

  for (CBCharacteristic *characteristic in characteristics) {

    if ([[characteristic UUID] isEqual:RWT_POSITION_CHAR_UUID]) {
      self.positionCharacteristic = characteristic;

Here is the function for write data on BLE device

- (void)writeCommand{

    // See if characteristic has been discovered before writing to it
    if (!self.positionCharacteristic) {
    NSString *cmd1=@"CQ+WHORU\r";

    NSData *dataToWrite = [cmd1 dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    CBCharacteristic *chr = self.positionCharacteristic;

    NSInteger dataSize = [[NSByteCountFormatter stringFromByteCount:dataToWrite.length countStyle:NSByteCountFormatterCountStyleFile] integerValue];
    if (dataSize > 130) {
        NSLog(@"Cannot send more than 130 bytes");
        [self.peripheral writeValue:dataToWrite forCharacteristic:self.positionCharacteristic type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];

- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
didWriteValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic
         error:(NSError *)error
    if (error)
        NSLog(@"Error writing characteristic value: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
        NSLog(@"Successfully writing characteristic value");

In "didWriteValueForCharacteristic" delegate method I am getting below error:

Error writing characteristic value: Unknown error.

What could be possibly be the reason for this error?

Also If I am trying to define characteristic for sending data on BLE device like:

CBMutableCharacteristic *writeChar = [[CBMutableCharacteristic alloc]initWithType:[CBUUID UUIDWithString:@"ffe1"] properties:CBCharacteristicPropertyWriteWithoutResponse|CBCharacteristicPropertyNotify value:nil permissions:CBAttributePermissionsWriteable|CBAttributePermissionsReadable];
int8_t cmd = *[cmd1 UTF8String];

NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&cmd length:sizeof(cmd)];

NSInteger dataSize = [[NSByteCountFormatter stringFromByteCount:dataToWrite.length countStyle:NSByteCountFormatterCountStyleFile] integerValue];
if (dataSize > 130) {
    NSLog(@"Cannot send more than 130 bytes");
    [self.peripheral writeValue:dataToWrite forCharacteristic:writeChar type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];
    //        [self.peripheral writeValue:dataToWrite forCharacteristic:writeChar type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];

then I am getting this error:

**CoreBluetooth[WARNING] CBMutableCharacteristic: 0x1552a270 UUID = Unknown (<ffe1>),Value = (null), Properties = 0x14, Permissions = 0x3, Descriptors = (null), SubscribedCentrals = (
)> is not a valid characteristic for peripheral <CBPeripheral: 0x15549930 identifier = FC71890D-9F71-5E16-086D-D491E1EF7599, Name = " DEMOBLE1", state = connected**


  • When you write the data you're requesting a response (CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse).

    The write will fail if the characteristic you're writing to does not have the property CBCharacteristicPropertyWrite set, but only supports writes without response (CBCharacteristicPropertyWriteWithoutResponse).

    if (( & CBCharacteristicPropertyWrite) == CBCharacteristicPropertyWrite) {
        // Responses are available, so write with response.
        [self.peripheral writeValue:dataToWrite forCharacteristic:self.positionCharacteristic type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];
    else if (( & CBCharacteristicPropertyWriteWithoutResponse) == CBCharacteristicPropertyWriteWithoutResponse) {
        // Responses are not available.
        // Write with response is going to fail, so write without response.
        [self.peripheral writeValue:dataToWrite forCharacteristic:self.positionCharacteristic type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithoutResponse];