I'm actually having troubles with the graph API :
I've been generating an access token with the extended permission 'manage_pages' and i'm trying a request on the edge 'me/accounts'. The result is always :
"data": [
But I wished to get a page access token instead. Is this a normal behavior, or did I miss something?
I also tried with the php SDK 4.0 with a short-lived and a long-lived token and got the same result... My code is here:
$app_id = '-hidden-'; //Facebook App ID
$app_secret = '-hidden-'; //Facebook App Secret
$long_lived_token = '-hidden-'; // tested at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
//and giving - Expires :1429438313 (in about 2 months)
FacebookSession::setDefaultApplication($app_id , $app_secret);
$session = new FacebookSession($long_lived_token);
if ($session) {
try {
$user_permissions = (new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me/permissions'))
$found_permission = false;
foreach($user_permissions as $key => $val){
if($val->permission == 'manage_pages'){
$found_permission = true;
// if we got manage_pages
$user_token = (new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/me/accounts'))
var_dump($user_token); //array(0) { } - Why?? Is this normal??
} else {
echo "Manage pages not granted!";
} catch(FacebookRequestException $e) {
echo "Exception occured, code: " . $e->getCode();
echo " with message: " . $e->getMessage();
Thanks for your help!
My user didn't have any pages to admin, this is why the array is empty. I guessed page access token could be use to manage profile but I was wrong.