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Possible optimizations for Project Euler #4 algorithm

Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

Even though the algorithm is fast enough for the problem at hand, I'd like to know if I missed any obvious optimizations.

from __future__ import division
from math import sqrt

def createPalindrome(m):
    m = str(m) + str(m)[::-1]
    return int(m)

def problem4():
    for x in xrange(999,99,-1):
        a = createPalindrome(x)
        for i in xrange(999,int(sqrt(a)),-1):
            j = a/i
            if (j < 1000) and (j % 1 == 0):
                c = int(i * j)
                return c


  • Look here for Ideas

    In C++ I do it like this:

    int euler004()
        // A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome
        // made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91  99.
        // Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
        const int N=3;
        const int N2=N<<1;
        int min,max,a,b,c,i,j,s[N2],aa=0,bb=0,cc=0;
        for (min=1,a=1;a<N;a++) min*=10; max=(min*10)-1;
        for (a=max;a>=min;a--)
         for (b=a;b>=min;b--)
            c=a*b; if (c<cc) continue;
            for (j=c,i=0;i<N2;i++) { s[i]=j%10; j/=10; }
            for (i=0,j=N2-1;i<j;i++,j--)
             if (s[i]!=s[j]) { i=-1; break; }
            if (i>=0) { aa=a; bb=b; cc=c; }
        return cc; // cc is the output
    • no need for sqrt ...
    • the subcall to createPalindrome can slow things down due to heap/stack trashing
    • string manipulation m = str(m) + str(m)[::-1] is slow
    • string to int conversion can be faster if you do it your self on fixed size array
    • mine implementation runs around 1.7ms but big portion of that time is the App output and formating (AMD 3.2GHz 32bit app on W7 x64)...

    [edit1] implementing your formula

    int euler004()
        int i,c,cc,c0,a,b;
        for (cc=0,i=999,c0=1100*i;i>=100;i--,c0-=1100)
             if (c%a==0)
                if ((b>=100)&&(b<1000)) { cc=c; i=0; break; }
        return cc;
    • this takes ~0.4 ms

    [edit2] further optimizations

    int euler004()
        // A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome
        // made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91  99.
        // Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
        int i0,i1,i2,c0,c1,c,cc=0,a,b,da;
        for (c0=  900009,i0=9;i0>=1;i0--,c0-=100001)    // first digit must be non zero so <1,9>
        for (c1=c0+90090,i1=9;i1>=0;i1--,c1-= 10010)    // all the rest <0,9>
        for (c =c1+ 9900,i2=9;i2>=0;i2--,c -=  1100)    // c is palindrome from 999999 to 100001
         for(a=999;a>=948;a-- )
          if (c%a==0)
            // biggest palindrome is starting with 9
            // so smallest valid result is 900009
            // it is odd and sqrt(900009)=948 so test in range <948,999>
            if ((b>=100)&&(b<1000)) { cc=c; i0=0; i1=0; i2=0; break; }
        return cc;
    • this is too fast for me to properly measure the time (raw time is around 0.037 ms)
    • removed the divisions and multiplications from palindrome generation
    • changed the ranges after some numeric analysis and thinking while waiting for bus
    • the first loop can be eliminated (result starts with 9)