I need help!
so the following code works for me (Pure JUnit code)
public class FeatureWrittenInJavaUsingSteps {
public void setup(){
/*do something*/
public void tearDown()
/*Do something*/
ItemServiceController service;
public void callingStepFunctionsExample(){
ItemServiceControllerTestsSteps steps = new ItemServiceControllerTestsSteps(service);
steps.I_prepare_a_X_item_for_the_X_dealer("only images and pricing", "furniture");
steps.the_inventory_service_response_result_should_be_a_X_object("Vertical Item");
However, when I try to run this code using the Cucumber Feature, it can't seem to build correctly. I am assuming I am setting up the project wrong.
Here is my Step code:
public class ItemServiceControllerTestsSteps {
//Common variables across steps - currently only local.
private VerticalItem itemToCreate;
private ServiceResponse response;
//Step specific variables.
private ItemServiceController itemService;
public ItemServiceControllerTestsSteps(ItemServiceController service){
itemService = service;
public void setup(){/*Do something*/}
public void tearDown(){/*Do Something*/}
@Given("^I prepare a \"(.*)\" item for the \"(.*)\" dealer$")
public VerticalItem I_prepare_a_X_item_for_the_X_dealer(String itemType, String dealerType){ //Step function and factory in one.
/*Do stuff*/}
@When("^I perform the \"(.*)\" inventory service call$")
public void I_perform_the_X_inventory_service_call(String actionType){
/*Do Stuff*/}
@Then("^I should get the \"(.*)\" response code$")
public void I_should_get_the_X_response_code(String codeType){/*Do stuff*/}
@Then("^the inventory service response result should be a \"(.*)\" object$")
public void the_inventory_service_response_result_should_be_a_X_object(String expectedClassType){ /*Do Stuff*/}
Here is my cucumber.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd">
<context:component-scan base-package="cucumber.runtime.java.spring stepDefinitions"/>
<import resource="classpath:importMasterConfig.xml"/>
Finally here is my Runner Class:
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty", "rerun:rerun.txt", "html:target/local-html-report/"},
glue = "stepDefinitions.ItemServiceControllerTestsSteps")
public class CucumberRunner {}
If someone can please enlighten me why the JUnit runner works and the cucumber one doesn't I would be a very happy camper!
In the above code, I did a few things wrong but lets cover the big ones.
1) My Glue code String was incorrect, I need to pass in the package name, not the file name (should have been just stepDefinitions)
2) I was using Spring 3 instead of Spring 4 with Cucumber 1.2.2 - The latest Cucumber requires Spring 4.
The other stuff wasn't actually related to Spring and Cucumber.