I've made a table:
class TableTag
std::string name;
//Wt::Dbo::collection< Wt::Dbo::ptr<TablePost> > tablePosts;
static void initTableRecords(Wt::Dbo::Session &_session);
template<class Action>
void persist(Action &_action)
Wt::Dbo::field(_action, name, "Name");
typedef Wt::Dbo::collection< Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> > TableTags;
I create a Model and add it to a WTableView:
qModelTags_ = new Wt::Dbo::QueryModel< Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> >();
ctrGridTags_ = new WTableView(this);
ctrGridTags_->setModel(qModelTags_); //qmTags1
This works OK. Now, I want to insert a record in the table:
Wt::Dbo::Transaction transaction(*ddbbSession_);
Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> tag = ddbbSession_->add(new TableTag());
tag.modify()->name = "Example";
and refresh the view:
This works, but I feel that if I have a table with 100.000 records and 100 fields, It's not acceptable to reload all records and fields in order to show a only one new record. I think I should use something like:
int rowNo = qModelTags_->rowCount();
But I can't figure how. I've googled, I've looked into examples, forums... but I found no example! Can anyone help me with a simple example? Thanks in advance...
Koen Deforche (the Wt framework's creator) replied me in the Wt forum, and pointed me to the right path (thanks, Koen!!). I think I should share the answer for all you, so here I go:
I infer that, given a QueryModel associated to a WTableView, there are two ways to insert records and refresh the table and underlying query:
1.- Insert records directly in database and reload the entire QueryModel:
//Insert one or more records...
Wt::Dbo::Transaction transaction(*ddbbSession_);
Wt::Dbo::ptr<TableTag> tag = ddbbSession_->add(new TableTag());
tag.modify()->name = "Example";
2.- Insert records indirectly one by one via the QueryModel, wich will autorefresh the WTableView:
int rowNo = qModelTags_->rowCount();
qModelTags_->setData(rowNo, 1, newTagName.narrow());
ctrGridTags_->select(qModelTags_->index(rowNo, 0));