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Will Pro*C work with MSVC 6?

How do you get Pro*c to work within MSVC 6?

In otherwords compile a .pc file into a .cpp file.


  • In the custom build tab for the .pc file.

    I pop this in the outputs. The output of proc, is a cpp file


    There are 2 lines in the commands window. One to set the MSVC 6 environment. The other to invoke proc on the .pc file.

    call vcvars32.bat 
    proc sqlcheck=semantics userid=scott/tiger@instance   code=cpp char_map=string   sqlcheck=semantics parse=partial mode=ansi    $(ProjDir)\$(InputName).pc    include=c:\ora920\oci\include   include="%MSVCDIR%\include" include="$(MSDEVDIR)\..\vc\include"      include="$(MSDEVDIR)\..\..\vc98\include"

    You must add the .cpp file to your project in order to compile it. If you need to debug, set your breakpoints in the .cpp file.

    That pretty much covers it.