I (re)searched a lot about this problem, but I didn't manage to find proper answer/solution, although many subjects is about similar problem.
I make roguelike game (with libtcodpy library) and I encountered a problem.
I have class Object, classes that control opponents and function which opens the door.
class Object:
class Object:
def __init__(self, x, y, char, name, color, blocks=False, always_visible=False, remember=None, fighter=None, ai=None, item=None, equipment=None):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.char = char
self.name = name
self.color = color
self.blocks = blocks
self.always_visible = always_visible
self.remember = remember
if self.remember:
self.remember.owner = self
self.fighter = fighter
if self.fighter:
self.fighter.owner = self
self.ai = ai
if self.ai:
self.ai.owner = self
self.item = item
if self.item:
self.item.owner = self
self.equipment = equipment
if self.equipment:
self.equipment.owner = self
self.item = Item()
self.item.owner = self
def move(self, dx, dy):
#move if not blocked
if not is_blocked(self.x + dx, self.y + dy):
self.x += dx
self.y += dy
def move_shop(self, dx, dy):
#move in shops
if not is_blocked(self.x + dx, self.y + dy) and is_object(self.x + dx, self.y + dy):
self.x += dx
self.y += dy
def move_towards(self, target_x, target_y):
#move to player
dx = target_x - self.x
dy = target_y - self.y
ddx = 0
ddy = 0
if dx > 0:
ddx = 1
elif dx < 0:
ddx = -1
if dy > 0:
ddy = 1
elif dy < 0:
ddy = -1
if not is_blocked(self.x + ddx, self.y + ddy):
self.move(ddx, ddy)
elif is_blocked(self.x + ddx, self.y + ddy):
if not is_door(self.x + ddx, self.y + ddy):
if ddx != 0:
if not is_blocked(self.x + ddx, self.y):
self.move(ddx, 0)
if ddy != 0:
if not is_blocked(self.x, self.y + ddy):
self.move(0, ddy)
elif is_door(self.x + ddx, self.y + ddy):
if ddx != 0:
elif ddy != 0:
def distance_to(self, other):
#return distance to object
dx = other.x - self.x
dy = other.y - self.y
return math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
def distance(self, x, y):
#return distance to coords
return math.sqrt((x - self.x) ** 2 + (y - self.y) ** 2)
def send_to_back(self):
#drawning objects
global objects
objects.insert(0, self)
def draw(self):
if (libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, self.x, self.y) or
(self.always_visible and map[self.x][self.y].explored)):
libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(con, self.color)
libtcod.console_put_char(con, self.x, self.y, self.char, libtcod.BKGND_NONE)
def clear(self):
if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, self.x, self.y):
libtcod.console_put_char_ex(con, self.x, self.y, '.', libtcod.darker_yellow, libtcod.black)
simple 'ai' class for unique npc:
class ImpNPC1_2:
global friendly_villages, hostile_villages, hostile_npc
memory_x = None
memory_y = None
def take_turn(self):
#monsters turn
monster = self.owner
if '2npc_1c' not in hostile_npc:
if '1st_city' in friendly_villages:
if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, monster.x, monster.y):
self.owner.move_shop(libtcod.random_get_int(0, -1, 1), libtcod.random_get_int(0, -1, 1))
if '1st_city' in hostile_villages:
if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, monster.x, monster.y):
self.memory_x = player.x
self.memory_y = player.y
if monster.distance_to(player) >= 2:
monster.move_towards(player.x, player.y)
elif player.fighter.hp > 0:
elif self.memory_x != None and self.memory_y != None: #simple fake-memory
monster.move_towards(self.memory_x, self.memory_y)
if monster.x == self.memory_x and monster.y == self.memory_y or libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 100) > AI_INTEREST:
self.memory_x = None
self.memory_y = None
while True:
x = libtcod.random_get_int(0, monster.x - 20, monster.x + 20)
y = libtcod.random_get_int(0, monster.y - 20, monster.y + 20)
if can_walk_between(monster.x, monster.y, x, y): break
self.memory_x = x
self.memory_y = y
if '2npc_1c' in hostile_npc:
if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(fov_map, monster.x, monster.y):
self.memory_x = player.x
self.memory_y = player.y
if monster.distance_to(player) >= 2:
monster.move_towards(player.x, player.y)
elif player.fighter.hp > 0:
elif self.memory_x != None and self.memory_y != None:
monster.move_towards(self.memory_x, self.memory_y)
if monster.x == self.memory_x and monster.y == self.memory_y or libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 100) > AI_INTEREST:
self.memory_x = None
self.memory_y = None
while True:
x = libtcod.random_get_int(0, monster.x - 20, monster.x + 20)
y = libtcod.random_get_int(0, monster.y - 20, monster.y + 20)
if can_walk_between(monster.x, monster.y, x, y): break
self.memory_x = x
self.memory_y = y
(yup, I know this is repetitive, but I'm going to specify npc's behavior while in hostile_village).
Function use_door:
def use_door(object):
if 'locked' in object.name:
message('The door is locked.', libtcod.white)
if 'closed' in object.name:
map[object.x][object.y].blocked = False
map[object.x][object.y].block_sight = False
map[object.x][object.y].it_is_door = False
object.blocks = False
object.char = '/'
object.name = 'open door'
fov_recompute = True
for obj in objects:
if 'closed' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x + 1 and obj.y == object.y:
if 'closed' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x - 1 and obj.y == object.y:
if 'closed' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x and obj.y == object.y + 1:
if 'closed' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x and obj.y == object.y - 1:
if 'open' in object.name:
map[object.x][object.y].blocked = True
map[object.x][object.y].block_sight = True
map[object.x][object.y].it_is_door = True
object.blocks = True
object.char = '+'
object.name = 'closed door'
fov_recompute = True
for obj in objects:
if 'open' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x + 1 and obj.y == object.y:
if 'open' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x - 1 and obj.y == object.y:
if 'open' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x and obj.y == object.y + 1:
if 'open' in obj.name and obj.x == object.x and obj.y == object.y - 1:
Other code fragments (I think that this may be useful to locate problem):
def is_blocked(x, y):
#check blocktiles
if map[x][y].blocked:
return True
for object in objects:
if object.blocks and object.x == x and object.y == y:
return True
return False
def is_object(x, y):
#check objects
if map[x][y].it_is_object:
return True
for object in objects:
if object.blocks and object.x == x and object.y == y:
return True
return False
def is_door(x, y):
#check doors
if map[x][y].it_is_door:
return True
for object in objects:
if object.blocks and object.x == x and object.y == y:
return True
return False
def make_1st_city():
global map
global objects
global village
global upstairs
global downstairs
objects = [player]
player.x = 3
player.y = 20
map = [ [ Tile(True) for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT) ] for x in range(MAP_WIDTH) ]
smap = ['################################################################################',
MAP_HEIGHT1 = len(smap)
MAP_WIDTH1 = len(smap[0])
map = [ [ Tile(True) for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT) ] for x in range(MAP_WIDTH) ]
for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT1):
for x in range(MAP_WIDTH1):
if smap[y][x] != '#':
map[x][y] = Tile(False)
if smap[y][x] == '#':
map[x][y] = Tile(True)
if smap[y][x] == '1':
map[x][y] = Tile(False)
if smap[y][x] == '2':
wall = Object(x, y, '#', 'wall', libtcod.darker_gray, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == '3':
door = Object(x, y, '+', 'closed door', libtcod.darkest_flame, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = True
if smap[y][x] == '4':
mountain1 = Object(x, y, '^', 'mountain', libtcod.dark_gray, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == '5':
mountain2 = Object(x, y, '^', 'mountain', libtcod.white, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == '6':
long_grass1 = Object(x, y, ';', 'long grass', libtcod.desaturated_yellow, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = False
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == '7':
long_grass2 = Object(x, y, ';', 'long grass', libtcod.desaturated_chartreuse, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = False
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == '8':
tree = Object(x, y, 'T', 'tree', libtcod.dark_green, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == '9':
tree2 = Object(x, y, '"', 'tree', libtcod.darker_orange, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = False
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == 'G':
grass4 = Object(x, y, ',', 'grass', libtcod.darker_orange, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == 'H':
grass6 = Object(x, y, ';', 'long grass', libtcod.darkest_orange, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = True
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == 'J':
floor = Object(x, y, '.', 'floor', libtcod.darkest_orange, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = False
map[x][y].block_sight = False
map[x][y].it_is_object = True
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
if smap[y][x] == 'K':
window = Object(x, y, '.', 'window', libtcod.lightest_sky, always_visible=True)
map[x][y].blocked = True
map[x][y].block_sight = False
map[x][y].it_is_object = False
map[x][y].it_is_door = False
npc = Object(32, 7, 't', '1st npc 1st city', libtcod.white, blocks=True, always_visible=False, ai=ImpNPC1_1())
npc = Object(60, 4, 't', '2nd npc 1st city', libtcod.white, blocks=True, always_visible=False, ai=ImpNPC1_2())
npc = Object(27, 22, 't', '3rd npc 1st city', libtcod.white, blocks=True, always_visible=False, ai=ImpNPC1_1())
npc = Object(60, 22, 't', '4th npc 1st city', libtcod.white, blocks=True, always_visible=False, ai=ImpNPC1_1())
upstairs = Object(3, 20, '<', 'stairs', libtcod.white, always_visible=True)
downstairs = Object(30, 41, '^', 'mountain', libtcod.white, always_visible=False)
What's the problem? Player and the computer use the same mechanics of opening the door. Player can open doors, without problems, bugs and crashes. When computer try to open a door, application crash.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/progr/python/ide/pycharm/proj/humfall/#ASCII/hf_t2.py", line 13441, in <module>
File "D:/progr/python/ide/pycharm/proj/humfall/#ASCII/hf_t2.py", line 13422, in main_menu
File "D:/progr/python/ide/pycharm/proj/humfall/#ASCII/hf_t2.py", line 13404, in play_game
File "D:/progr/python/ide/pycharm/proj/humfall/#ASCII/hf_t2.py", line 633, in take_turn
monster.move_towards(player.x, player.y)
File "D:/progr/python/ide/pycharm/proj/humfall/#ASCII/hf_t2.py", line 252, in move_towards
File "D:/progr/python/ide/pycharm/proj/humfall/#ASCII/hf_t2.py", line 11272, in use_door
if 'locked' in object.name:
AttributeError: type object 'object' has no attribute 'name'
24 bits font.
key color : 0 0 0
24bits greyscale font. converting to 32bits
I know that calling the class 'Object' is unfortunate, but if I change replace this by Thing, trackback is the same: only "AttributeError: type object 'object' has no attribute 'name' " changes to "AttributeError: class Thing has no attribute 'name' "
Inside your move_towards
elif is_door(self.x + ddx, self.y + ddy):
if ddx != 0:
elif ddy != 0:
It looks like you intended for use_door
's argument to be the Object at coordinates self.x + ddx, self.y + ddy
, but that's not what you're passing here. You're just passing the built-in object
class, which has nothing to do with the Object
class you defined. I can't tell from your code snippets whether this is possible, but try fetching the object from map
elif is_door(self.x + ddx, self.y + ddy):
if ddx != 0:
use_door(map[self.x + ddx][self.y + ddy])
elif ddy != 0:
use_door(map[self.x + ddx][self.y + ddy])